Prison Explosion Aftermath Comps
Having an opportunity to go back and modify sets that I had already worked on many months prior, was a great learning experience in my early career as a Set Designer. I was able to create scenes with pictures as an aid in telling the story of the explosive attack on the prison in the conflict. The wonderful Artisians used my comps as guides to rig portions of the built set for live explosions, and create and prepare set pieces and rubble for explosion aftermaths. As a Production Designer, I will continue to expand on my existing skill set to create the environments needed by Directors and writers to bring their stories to life
The Walking Dead (Season 4, EP 8 & EP 10)
2013 (Worked as Set Designer. BEFORE AI)

Before - Built set. Photo for mockup.
Photo mockup (No A.I. used)
As seen on screen.
As seen on screen.
As seen on screen.
As seen on screen.
Before - Built set. Photo for mockup.
Photo comp mockup (No A.I. used)
As seen on screen.
Before - Built set. Photo for mockup.
Photo mockup.
As seen on screen.
Before - Built set. Photo for mockup.
Photo mockup (No A.I. used)
As seen on screen before explosion.
As seen on screen - Live explosion.
As seen on screen - Live explosion.
As seen on screen - After explosion.
Before - Built set. Photo for mockup.
Photo mockup.
As seen on screen - After explosion.
Before - Photo for mockup. Built set.
Photo comp. Telling the story through images. Used as a guide for set build.